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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Frugal Tip of the Day Save on Burgers!

So this frugal tip I found by accident. I was trying to make some gourmet burgers, you know how in the restaurant, the burgers actually are a good size and juicy? My burgers are home were so not cutting it. So one day I decided to add potato to it, thinking it would help hold the flavor and juices in. I grated the potato and added it to the ground beef and spices and formed my burgers. OMGosh! It totally worked! The burgers stayed the size I had made them originally, and the flavor won raves and kudos from our friends at the BBQ.

So I was telling my mom about my culinary experience, and you know what she told me? "Yes, that is nothing new, people did it all the time in the depression era to make their meats go further." Hmmmm... First I was a bit ticked that this wasn't a new and therefore marketable concept, LOL. Second, I realized that yes, I had indeed used less meat, and was also able to use less expensive ground chuck rather than ground round because the potato kept them from wasting away! So Not only did I have great burgers, (and this is how I make them every time now, because they just rock!) but I actually saved money!!! Try it!

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